Urgent Mental Health Concerns

Urgent mental health concerns drop-in hours are available Monday through Thursday evenings throughout the academic year for students experiencing high levels of distress and in need of immediate support from a mental health professional.

Please note that these hours are supplementary support and are not intended to substitute for traditional counseling or other appropriate treatment options.

If you are already seeing a CPS provider it is usually preferable to discuss your concerns with them, accessing Urgent mental health drop-in only for matters in need of immediate attention. At any time of day or night, you may also wish to visit our Coping Tools page.


These sessions are available to Columbia students who have paid the full Columbia Health and Related Services Fee.

How to access urgent mental health concerns drop-in

During the academic year, drop-in is available Mondays – Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Lerner 502. Check-in closes at 7:30 p.m.

Students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. As needed, your drop-in provider may refer you to individual therapy, support groups, or Problem-solving/Coping Skills drop-in so that you get the appropriate support.

What to do in an emergency

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, outside of ordinary clinic hours, please call 212-854-2878 to speak with a clinician or dial 911. You may also contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by calling or texting 988, or visiting their website. You may also call 212-854-2878 for phone support for urgent mental health concerns as an alternative to using drop-in hours

For urgent medical concerns, call 212-854-7426, available 24/7. For sexual assault, reach a survivor advocate at 212-854-HELP/4357, 911.  If you are on campus, you may also call  Columbia University Public Safety (212-854-5555 for Morningside, 212-853-3333 for Manhattanville).  

To access our oncampus ambulance service, if you are on campus, call Columbia University Public Safety (212-854-5555 for Morningside, 212-853-3333 for Manhattanville) for CUEMS (Columbia University Emergency Medical Service).

In any life-threatening situation, call 911.

Last reviewed: 12/4/2024