PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis)

Last reviewed: 10/10/2024

Columbia Health offers pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and provides all necessary medical services and prescriptions. Columbia Health aims to provide simple, non-judgmental, supportive, and rapid care while you obtain PrEP.  

What is PrEP?  

PrEP is the use of an antiretroviral drug to prevent HIV infection in HIV-negative people at significant risk of becoming HIV-positive. PrEP has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of HIV infection in men who have sex with men, injection drug users, heterosexual cisgender women, and transgender women. You may want to consider PrEP if your sexual partner(s) are HIV-positive. You may also consider it if you’re in a higher-risk group (including men who have sex with men and trans women) and don’t use a condom every time you have anal or vaginal sex.

Columbia Health offers all forms of oral PrEP, including Truvada, Emtricitabine-tenofovir, and Descovy. Columbia Health currently doesn’t offer injectable PrEP (Apretude). However, our staff can provide education & connection to community resources for those interested. 

How do you take PrEP?  

There are two ways to take oral PrEP: as a daily pill or on-demand.  

  • Daily PrEP should be taken around the same time each day. 

  • On-demand PrEP is used for people who don’t have sex that often.  

You can learn more about how to take PrEP using the New York City PrEP On-Demand Guidelines. 

PrEP requires a prescription from a healthcare provider. You’ll need regular lab testing to monitor the effect of PrEP on your body, as well as optional routine STI testing. Long-term side effects are typically minimal and are monitored by blood tests of kidney function.  

Columbia Health follows the US Center for Disease Control & Prevention’s Clinical Guidelines for PrEP and New York State Guidelines on PrEP for Medical Providers.  All laboratory and medical visits, prescription lengths, and testing are required to follow these federal & state protocols.  

How much does PrEP cost? 

If you’re enrolled in the Columbia Student Health Insurance Plan, all forms of oral PrEP are covered under the plan. You may be eligible to receive reimbursement from the drug manufacturer for the copay.  

If you have a different insurance, it may pay for PrEP. We can assist you in getting insurance information.  

How can I start PrEP? 

  1. Complete the PrEP Intake form through Impact Feedback. You'll be prompted to log-in with your UNI and password. This is to ensure confidentiality and that you're a student enrolled at the University.
  2. After you complete the form, you’ll get an email to your Columbia email from “Impact Feedback” with a link to schedule an appointment.  
  3. At that appointment, we’ll provide education around PrEP, answer any questions you have, discuss your PrEP and sexual health history, and order the necessary labs. 
  4. You’ll then schedule an appointment with your primary care provider in Medical Services, where you’ll receive your first prescription to pick up at a pharmacy of your choice. 

If you have concerns about sharing your UNI or additional questions, come to our Health Education drop-in hours or call our office at 212-854-5453 during business hours.

If you have additional questions or need support, email [email protected] or call 212-854-5453 to speak to an Alice! Health Promotion team member.