Volunteer with Sexual Violence Response


I am interested in becoming a:


Become a Peer Advocate

Peer Advocates with Sexual Violence Response (SVR) are students of all identities who are committed to supporting SVR’s mission of eradicating sexual and relationship violence and all forms of gender- and power-based violence in our community.

Peer Advocates provide crisis support to any student who wishes to speak with a peer. They also attend campus events to offer support to students affected by the subject matter. Peer Advocates are expected to provide peer advocacy for the campus community, including Barnard, Columbia, Teachers College, Jewish Theological Seminary, and Union Theological Seminary.

Candidates must participate in a mandatory training program and certification process to become certified New York State Department of Health Rape Crisis Counselors.

Only candidates who successfully complete training and certification will be invited to participate in the Peer Advocate Program.

As a confidential Peer Advocate volunteer, you will:

  • Offer guidance on balancing survivor’s emotional needs with survivor’s need for concrete assistance and information
  • Facilitate informed decision-making and empower survivors to make their own decisions
  • Provide crisis intervention and safety planning
  • Facilitate referrals and share information on student rights and options


  • Attend scheduled, one-hour meetings with advisors every week
  • Attend at least two continuing education training sessions every semester
  • Attend required meetings as scheduled
  • Provide support to students who wish to connect to a peer at one to two prevention programs each semester

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must be currently enrolled in a degree program at Columbia University or affiliate schools and in good judicial, disciplinary, and academic standing
  • Able to attend all specified training sessions (minimum 40 hours)
  • Able to commit to at least 2 semesters of service in the role. The semesters do not need to be consecutive.
  • Supportive of our mission statement and are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

Desired Skills and Qualifications:

  • Interest and passion for community building and ending sexual and relationship violence.
  • Comfortable discussing difficult topics with people from a range of diverse identities.
  • Background in social/cultural studies, social justice, gender-based violence, and gender studies a plus.

How to Apply:

Individuals of all identities who are passionate about this work are encouraged to apply! Applications are accepted and interviews are held on a rolling basis.

Complete the online application

About the Mandatory Training

The training, provided by SVR, prepares volunteer candidates for the Peer Advocate role. The training will:

  • Address sexual and intimate partner violence, sexual and gender-based harassment, and stalking and the impact of these behaviors on survivors and their communities
  • Introduce crisis intervention techniques and peer-advocacy skills

If you have any questions about the training process or the peer advocate program, please call (212) 854-3500 or by email at [email protected].


Become a Peer Educator

Peer Educators with Sexual Violence Response (SVR) are students of all identities who are committed to supporting SVR’s mission of eradicating sexual and relationship violence and all forms of gender- and power-based violence in our community.

Peer educators serve as leaders and ambassadors of SVR’s mission and values. They assist with outreach and prevention programming across campus to educate students and the community about thriving relationships, positive ways to communicate about sex and sexual behaviors, sexual health, healthy masculinity, and other topics aimed at engaging the community in honest and judgment-free discussions that help promote a community of care where sexual and intimate partner violence is not tolerated.

Peer Educators also assist the professional staff with outreach and awareness month(s) programming and other educational activities. Peer Educators are expected to provide peer education for the campus community, including Barnard, Columbia, Teachers College, Jewish Theological Seminary, and Union Theological Seminary.

Candidates must participate in a mandatory training program and certification process. Only candidates who successfully complete training and certification will be invited to join the Peer Educator program.

Benefits of being a Peer Educator:

  • Receive a formal Peer Educator Training Certificate for your portfolio.
  • Build your resume for graduate school and future employment.
  • Gain meaningful experience as an inclusive leader and educator.
  • Develop skills and knowledge to effectively present and facilitate both complex and sensitive information from an intersectional and trauma-informed lens/framework to small and large audiences.
  • Earn letters of recommendation.
  • Make new friends and be part of a supportive community that works closely together.
  • Receive ongoing training on current sexual violence prevention and sexual health and wellness topics affecting college students and your community.

As a Peer Educator Volunteer, you will:

  • Help coordinate ongoing and generate new educational and awareness events.
  • Attend weekly meetings with an Advisor and other Peer Educators to continue learning and build community 
  • Participate in at least one SVR activity each semester, including but not limited to co-facilitating workshops, tabling, and doing outreach.
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of the following: 
    • New Student Orientation Programs (NSOP) 
    • Student Leaders training 
    • SVR's Sexual Respect & Community Citizenship programming 
    • Activities for Relationship Violence Awareness Month (RVAM) & Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) 


  • Complete the SVR Volunteer Training (minimum of 40 hrs.) prior to participating in educational and outreach events
  • Attend weekly meetings with an Advisor and other Peer Educators to continue learning and build community 
  • Maintain privacy and confidentiality
  • Maintain flexibility in schedule and availability

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must be currently enrolled in a degree program at Columbia University or affiliate schools and in good judicial, disciplinary, and academic standing
  • Able to attend all specified training sessions (minimum 40 hours)
  • Able to commit to at least 2 semesters of service in the role. The semesters do not need to be consecutive.
  • Supportive of our mission statement and are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

Desired Skills and Qualifications:

  • Interest and passion for community building and ending sexual and relationship violence.
  • Comfortable discussing difficult topics with people from a range of diverse identities.
  • Background in social/cultural studies, social justice, gender-based violence, and gender studies a plus.
  • If you have previously experienced an incident of power-based personal violence, you have taken measures towards taking care of yourself. 

Please Note: While skills and experience are desired, we also recognize that individuals may have a passion for this work but do not have previous experience. Do not let this deter you from applying, we will help you achieve these skills and qualifications.

How to Apply:

Individuals of all identities who are passionate about this work are encouraged to apply! Applications are accepted and interviews are held on a rolling basis.

Complete the online application

About the Mandatory Training

Applicants must be able to attend all training sessions.

The training, provided by SVR, prepares volunteer candidates for the Peer Educator role. The training will:

  • Provide an in-depth understanding of sexual and intimate partner violence, sexual and gender-based harassment, and stalking;
  • Review the impact of these behaviors on survivors and their communities;
  • Help volunteers respond to challenging situations and tricky subjects; and
  • Provide facilitation skills training for delivering effective and engaging peer-to-peer educational programs.

Once candidates have successfully completed the training program, they must co-facilitate a program in order to be certified to facilitate programs. Candidates must also create and learn an elevator speech about Sexual Violence Response to be certified to table at events.

If you have any questions about the training process or the peer educator program, please call (212) 854-3500 or by email at [email protected].