
Last updated: 7/31/2023

If this is an emergency, contact local law enforcement or Columbia University Public Safety, or go to the nearest emergency room.

New York City Police Department


988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Columbia University Public Safety, Morningside campus
Columbia University Public Safety, Manhattanville campus
Columbia University Public Safety, Medical Center campus
Mount Sinai Morningside

1111 Amsterdam Ave. at 113th St.
Emergency Room: 212-523-3335
Psychiatric Emergency Room: 212-523-3347

Need Help?

If you are uncertain whether this is an emergency, contact Medical Services at 212-854-7426available 24 hours a day. Urgent medical concerns are prioritized and will be assessed by a triage specialist, who will provide recommendations for care.

Emergency contraception is also available at Medical Services.


If you are on or near the Morningside/Manhattanville campus, Columbia University Emergency Medical Service (CUEMS) is a free, confidential, 24/7 ambulance service available for all Columbia affiliates. Call Public Safety at 212-854-5555 and ask for CUEMS.

It provides pre-hospital emergency medical care and transport to the Mount Sinai Morningside Emergency Room located at 1111 Amsterdam Avenue at 113th Street.

If you are experiencing an urgent mental health concern, please call CPS immediately at 212-854-2878, available 24/7. A provider will assess your concern and recommend the next steps for your care.

For immediate psychiatric care

Students may also go directly to Mount Sinai Morningside Emergency Room located at 113th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, 212-523-3347.

Need self-help and crisis resources?

Check out our Coping Tools page for various digital services, mobile apps, and online resources outside our regular hours of operation.

If you wish to speak with a confidential resource on campus the Sexual Violence Response office can be accessed 24/7/365 by calling 212-854-4357 (HELP). You have the option of working with a staff survivor advocate or, when available, a peer advocate, both of whom are certified by the New York City Department of Health and trained to address issues of violence. They can provide crisis intervention and will discuss options for reporting and seeking medical help. Advocates can accompany students to on- and off-campus resources such as hospital emergency departments, New York City Police Department, the district attorney's office, and Columbia Public Safety.

If you have been sexually assaulted, contact Columbia Public Safety at 212-854-5555 or the New York City Police Department at 911.


  • Morningside - Lerner Hall (Suite 700): available during business hours
  • CUIMC - 50 Haven (Suite 206): No drop-ins at this location during Spring/Summer 2024. Visit Lerner 700 for same-day, in person support.

Appointments are available in person or virtually during business hours. Please call 212-854-3500 to schedule an appointment.

For urgent or after-hours support, please call the 24/7 helpline at 212-854-4357 (HELP) to speak with an advocate.

If you are being stalked or threatened, or have immediate concerns about your physical safety, contact Public Safety at the numbers below. Public Safety also provides an escort service; request an escort by calling 212-854-SAFE (7233).

If you would like confidential non-emergency support and guidance around issues of personal safety—stalking, threats, or other issues of personal security—contact Sexual Violence Response (212-854-HELP/4357) and speak with a survivor advocate, available 24/7, 365 days a year.