Make an Appointment

New patient or returning after six months

Students who wish to schedule an appointment with Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) for the first time and those who are returning to CPS after a break of more than six months may schedule an initial Treatment Planning session through the Patient Portal or by calling (212) 854-2878.

Currently or recently seen at CPS

Students who currently or recently have been seen at CPS may schedule a follow-up appointment by calling (212) 854-2878. Follow-up appointments cannot be scheduled online.

Follow-up appointments are available in-person on the Columbia campus or by mutual agreement by telehealth via Zoom or phone. Telehealth sessions with CPS providers are generally available only to students currently situated in New York State. 

Students seeking counseling services who are unable to reach campus for appointments and who currently reside outside New York State may arrange telehealth visits with our partner agency, WorkPlace OptionsLog on to the website by using the student code: "Columbia University."

In addition, CPS is offering virtual support spaces open to any student, anywhere. We also invite students to utilize the broad range of online coping tools available. 


Only Morningside/Manhattanville/Teachers College students who have paid the full Columbia Health and Related Services Fee are eligible for individual counseling with CPS.

Students seeking HIV/STI screening or to discuss sexual and reproductive health topics in a supportive and non-judgmental environment can meet with an advocate from the Gay Health Advocacy Project (GHAP), a part of Alice! Health Promotion.

Examples of 1:1 conversation topics include, but are not limited to: 

*HIV testing is always free, other STI testing will be billed to insurance

How to Access 

Seeking immediate support? Attend Sexual and Reproductive Health Drop-in Hours either in-person or virtually.  

Drop-in hours not work for your schedule? Schedule an appointment with us by completing the Sexual & Reproductive Health Visit Intake Form!


Speak with an Alice! Health Promotion specialist about non-clinical health-related questions; get connected to health information; and improve health knowledge, attitudes, and skills.​

Alice! is a confidential resource and the staff respect and protect the privacy of all conversations. Conversations are solution-oriented and not therapy or medical advice — rather, they are meant to connect students with information and resources to make informed decisions on a broad range of health-related topics.

Examples of visit topics could include, but not limited to:

  • Accessing resources for coping with stress
  • Strategies to improve sleep quality
  • Strategies to improve time management
  • Concerns regarding a friend or loved one's alcohol or other drug use
  • Finding reputable resources to better understand a medical diagnosis or navigate the US healthcare system
  • Communication strategies to support a friend in distress

How to Schedule 

Complete the Health Education Visit Intake Form. After submitting the intake form, you will receive a follow-up email with a link to the portal to schedule an appointment.  

Seeking more immediate support? Attend Health Education Drop-in Hours, either in person or virtually. **Note: Drop-ins are suspended when classes are not in session.**

Questions? Email us at [email protected]

Have health related questions or concerns and don't know where to start? Meet one-on-one with an Alice! team member to discuss resources and services to support health and well-being, including on- and off-campus resources. The purpose of this visit is to guide and direct students to resources and systems of support as well as high-quality health information

HPAs are non-diagnostic, non-clinical, and not therapy. Sessions are confidential and HIPAA-compliant. All sessions are offered virtually, unless otherwise requested. 

Topics might include, but are not limited to: 

  • Wayfinding - navigating health insurance or resource directories; how to find a medical or mental health provider; identifying systems of support or community-based resources
  • Columbia Health Resource Navigation - navigating Alice! Health Promotion services; getting connected other Columbia Health departments
  • General Health - Identifying and connecting with resources that meet your needs
  • On-Campus Support - connecting with on-campus resources to support student well-being, including University-wide offices or School-specific programs and staff 
  • Off-Campus Support - finding a health care provider off-campus – either elsewhere in NYC or back home; navigating a bill from an off-campus provider or healthcare facility
  • Relationship Building & Partnerships - discussing collaborations such as tailoring a workshop for your organization/office; consult on health literacy or best practices for supporting student well-being; discuss collaboration opportunities for creating a healthy campus environment/community; and more!

How to Schedule 

Complete the Health Promotion Appointment Intake Form. After submitting the intake form, you will receive a follow-up email with a link to the portal to schedule an appointment.  

Seeking more immediate support? Attend Health Education Drop-in Hours, either in person or virtually. **Note: Drop-ins are suspended when classes are not in session.**

Questions? Email us at [email protected]

Students not yet registered with DS

You are invited to contact DS during drop-in hours. Already registered students are also invited to drop in. 

Common topics discussed at drop-in include:

  • how to register,
  • questions regarding needed disability documentation, or
  • services and accommodations we offer, if you suspect you have a disability or if you were referred to us by a professor or administrator. 

Already registered students

Drop-in hours allow for a one-on-one, short discussion with a DS staff to answer quick or urgent questions regarding accommodations.

Common topics/reasons for registered students to attend drop-in hours in lieu of scheduling a meeting with a staff person include:

  • accommodation letters,
  • exam scheduling,
  • note-taking services,
  • housing accommodations, or
  • if you’re having difficulty arranging for accommodations with a professor, teaching assistant (TA), or for a class.

You do not need an appointment to pick up or submit disability forms. All forms are located in Forms and Guidelines.

Prospective students

and others visiting campus should email Disability Services ([email protected]) to arrange accommodations for your visit or to schedule an appointment to meet with a staff member to learn more about our services.

Schedule an appointment at the CUIMC campus

Contact Disability Services at (212) 854-2388 or visit the Student Health on Haven website

To schedule a virtual or in-person appointment with one of our health insurance specialists, please email [email protected] with "Appointment Request" in the subject line or call (212) 854-3286.

Make a virtual or in-person appointment with a professional or peer advocate at Sexual Violence Response by calling (212) 854-4357 (24/7) or (212) 854-3500 during regular business hours.

BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students) is a program designed to assist students in examining their alcohol and other drug-use behavior in a judgment-free environment. 

Get started with BASICS alcohol screening

Complete the online self-assessment

Seeking support regarding other drug use?

Check out the Cannabis Use Self-Assessment

If you have questions or difficulty accessing the self-assessment, email [email protected]

Note: Please note, you may experience a delay in response and/or scheduling during a scheduled break in service. The upcoming breaks in service are all University holidays. 

To protect student privacy and comply with state and federal legislation, individual discussions cannot be facilitated via email or social media platforms. 

Columbia students can meet with a tobacco cessation specialist, who will provide individual support and help students understand the process of quitting along with developing a personal plan to stop using tobacco. 

Nicotine & Tobacco Cessation Visits offer support for students seeking to reduce or quit their tobacco/nicotine usage. Ending the use of tobacco or nicotine products can be difficult to navigate alone. Students seeking to make a change in their consumption habits can benefit from the accountability and support provided by these sessions. There is no limit to the number of sessions students can schedule. Many students meet regularly (every week or every other week) during the first month or two.

During the first session, students explore and discuss their goals and history of use, and previous efforts at quitting. With a specialist, students will develop a flexible plan that includes accountability support from the specialist and options for nicotine replacements or other medical support.

To get started, complete the Nicotine & Tobacco Cessation Intake Form. After submission of intake form, you will receive a follow-up email with a link to schedule an appointment. All sessions are held virtually, unless otherwise requested.

Note: Please note, you may experience a delay in response and/or scheduling during a scheduled break in service. The upcoming breaks in service are all University holidays. 

There is a planned break in service between December 24 through January 6. For any questions or concerns, please email [email protected]

Columbia students can meet with a Medical Services registered dietician who will provide tailored counseling and help students understand and meet their unique nutrition needs. Dieticians support students in creating a nutrition plan and discussing any questions or concerns they may have.

If you're interested in connecting with a registered dietician, schedule an appointment on the Patient Portal.

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is the use of an antiretroviral drug (Truvada) to prevent HIV infection in HIV-negative individuals at significant risk of becoming HIV-positive, for example if your sexual partner(s) are positive or if you are in a higher-risk group (including men who have sex with men and trans women) and do not use a condom every time you have anal or vaginal intercourse. Learn more about the process of PrEP and its cost. 

For more information or to get started with PrEP

Submit the PrEP Initial Consultation Intake Form. After submitting the intake form, you will receive a follow-up email from "IMPACT Feedback" with a link to schedule an appointment. 

Wellness Coaching is an evidence-based practice that takes a positive approach to personal development through centering individual strengths, values, and motivations to support behavior changes(s) via a collaborative and non-judgmental partnership. It is not therapy or counseling.

Wellness Coaching is available to any currently enrolled Columbia University student at the Morningside Campus.

  • Initial foundation session is scheduled for 90 minutes.
  • Follow-up sessions are scheduled as needed in increments of 60 minutes.
  • There is currently no session cap.
Get started with Wellness Coaching

Complete the Wellness Coaching Intake Form. After you submit the form, you will receive a follow-up email with a link to schedule an appointment. 

Note: Please note, you may experience a delay in response and/or scheduling during a scheduled break in service. The upcoming breaks in service are all University holidays. 

Questions or Feedback?

Contact us at (212) 854-7426 or [email protected] with questions. You can also tell us what you think about our services or programs.