How to Certify Your Meningitis Decision

This is one step in the immunization compliance process at Columbia University.

Learn more about immunization compliance at Columbia University and how to complete the requirement


Please watch the video below or step-by-step instructions for certifying your meningitis decision (and upload documentation if you indicate that you have received the meningitis vaccine, MenACWY).

How to certify your meningitis decision
  1. Go to the Patient Portal and log in with your UNI.
  2. Select "Medical Clearances" from the left-hand menu.
  3. Select "Update" next to Meningococcal ACWY.
  4. Review the information about Meningococcal Meningitis.
  5. Once you have reviewed the information, click the button to acknowledge reviewing the information about Meningococcal Meningitis.
  6. In the next section, select the option that reflects your decision about being vaccinated against meningitis.
  7. Click "Submit Final" when complete. 

If you certify that you have received the MenACWY vaccine within the past 10 years, you must:

  1. Click "Update" next to Meningococcal ACWY and enter the dates of when you received the vaccine, and
  2. Click "Upload" next to Upload Immunization Files to upload proof of vaccination (such as WHO booklet or documentation from physician/pharmacy, etc.) for your submission to be considered complete.