How to Enroll in the Columbia Student Health Insurance Plan

Columbia requires most students to have comprehensive health insurance as part of enrollment in the University. This is a guide for Morningside/Manhattanville and Teachers College students who wish to confirm enrollment in the Columbia University Student Health Insurance Plan.

When you're ready to confirm enrollment, follow the steps below.

  1. Log on to the Patient Portal.
  2. From the Home page, click Begin Insurance Enrollment
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to Additional items NOT required for clearance:
  4. Click Update for Insurance Enrollment.
  5. Carefully read the information provided.
  6. Click each check box to confirm information provided.
  7. Type your initials.
  8. Click Submit Final.

Once you have registered for courses and have been billed tuition, insurance will be activated within 7 business days. You will receive an email welcoming you to the Plan with instructions for next steps in accessing care. 


How will I be billed?

The insurance premium is billed by semester. 

When can I get my insurance card?

Your insurance card is available to download (enter your UNI and date of birth) 14 business days after confirming enrollment AND registering for classes and being charged tuition & fees. You can also access your insurance information through the Aetna Mobile app.

Physical ID cards are only mailed upon request. To obtain an ID card by mail, please call Aetna Customer Service at 800-859-8471.