How to Enroll Dependents During the Enrollment Periods

Instructions for how to enroll your dependents into the Columbia Student Health Insurance during the enrollment period: 

  1. Log on to the Patient Portal
  2. Select Medical Clearances/Insurance Enrollment
  3. Scroll down to the Additional items NOT required for clearance section
  4. Click on Update for Dependent Enrollment
  5. Complete the Dependent Enrollment form
  6. Verify the entire submission before submitting. Changes cannot be made once submitted.
  7. Your submission will be labeled 'Awaiting Review' until the Student Health Insurance Office processes your request.  

If enrolling a spouse or domestic partner for the first time, required documentation:

  • Dependent Spouse (first time enrolling): Marriage Certificate (with English translation)
  • Dependent Domestic Partner (first time enrolling): Domestic Partnership Certificate (with English translation)
  • Dependent Child: no documentation required

Instructions to upload the documentation: 

  1. Click on Update for Dependent Info to upload Marriage/Domestic Partnership certificate if applicable. 
    • Upload the Marriage/Domestic Partnership certificate
  2. Once you have verified your uploaded documentation, click Looks Good.
  3. Click Save to complete the upload.
  4. Your submission will be labeled 'In Review' until the Student Health Insurance Office processes your submission. 

Please note, dependent enrollments cannot be reviewed until you have registered for classes and been charged tuition. Once registered and charged tuition, allow up to 14 business days for processing.