How to Register for Academic and Campus Accommodations

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1. Preparation (Varies)

Begin completing the disability registration form.

  • Download the form so you can save your progress as you go
  • Remember: there are no “right” answers to this form. Please focus on detailing your lived experience as a student with a disability as accurately as possible.

Review the disability documentation guidelines based on disability type.

  • Gather your disability documentation following the specific guidelines for each disability type.
    • Documentation is required for all disabilities for which you’re seeking accommodations.
    • Not sure if your documentation meets these guidelines or are concerned about securing the required disability documentation? Email DS for guidance.
  • If the nature of your disability requires a form or letter from your healthcare provider, contact your provider ASAP.
    • Your provider may require an appointment to complete the form/letter.

Collect other supporting information.

  • Gather or request historical documentation pertinent to your disability (e.g. 504 Plan), prior evaluation(s), letters confirming registration and approved accommodations at a previous institution or any entrance exams (e.g. SAT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, etc).
    • Historical documentation and/or supporting information does not guarantee the same eligibility for accommodations at Columbia but is helpful nonetheless.

Contact Disability Services!

  • Please reach out to DS at any time with any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of the registration process!


2. Submission (10 minutes)

Submit (a) completed registration form and (b) required disability documentation to DS via email, fax, or in-person.

  • Submit paperwork as you have it rather than waiting until you have everything!
  • The review process starts ONLY after we receive your registration form AND disability documentation.


3. Review by Disability Services (approximately 3 weeks from time of submission of all paperwork)

DS reviews each request and determines eligibility for accommodations and services.


4. Coordination of Accommodations (approximately 1-2 weeks)

Meet with a DS Case Manager for a mandatory orientation meeting to review your eligibility for accommodations and the policies and procedures for accessing any such accommodations.

What Happens During the Review Process?

This review process is integral for determining appropriate and reasonable accommodations based on (a) your disability documentation, and (b) an understanding of the academic and curricular requirements of your program.

All accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis.

Submission of disability documentation does not guarantee eligibility for accommodations.

Accommodations are not retroactive.


Need help with the registration form, disability documentation, or to learn more about the registration process, please email [email protected] or meet with us during virtual drop-in hours.