Summer Program

Information about access to Columbia Health's programs and services while you are participating in your summer program at Columbia University.

Last reviewed: 4/23/2024

High school students participating in a summer program at Columbia University have varying levels of access to Columbia Health.

Healthcare Services

In-person programs

Residential and commuter SPS summer programs and similar programs have access to urgent medical care through Medical Services (must be accompanied by a program staff member).

Residential students with ongoing care needs (such as allergy shots) may be able to receive continuing support during their time at Columbia; please indicate your needs in the health history form you are required to submit to your program .

All programs, including online only

  • health education and promotion support through Alice! Health Promotion
  • academic, housing, and event accommodations through Disability Services
  • crisis counseling, intervention, advocacy, and violence prevention programs through Sexual Violence Response
  • support for complying with University immunization requirements through the Immunization Compliance Office 
  • public health infrastructure and support programs


Immunization Compliance 

Depending on the program, Columbia University may require you to provide documentation of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella and an informed meningitis decision. 

Most students are required to submit documentation. Please consult with your program about your specific requirements. For more information about requirements and the submission process, visit the Immunization Compliance page.