LGBTQ+ Sexual Health & Well-being Support Services
Columbia Health provides a range of services and programs to support LGBTQ+ students. Robust services are provided around Sexual & Reproductive Health, Trans & Gender Expansive Care, and LGBTQ+ Support Programs.
Sexual & Reproductive Health
GHAP Peer Advocates serve the entire Columbia community, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. We continue to pursue a special commitment to advocating for the sexual and emotional well-being of the LGBTQ+ population.
Advocates provide Sexual & Reproductive Health Drop-in Hours four days per week to listen, offer support, and connect you to resources. Some common conversation topics include, but are not limited to:
- Sex and relationships
- Coming out (or not) and other identity concerns
- LGBTQ+ life on campus and in New York City
- Safer sex and risk reduction
Advocates are undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students from across Columbia who undergo intensive training and are supervised closely by Alice! Health Promotion professional staff.
Advocates are HIPAA-certified and required to uphold the strictest levels of confidentiality. In the rare case that a student recognizes an advocate, a different advocate will be made available.
A number of advocates speak second languages, including Mandarin.
Transgender & Gender Expansive Care
Columbia Health offers a number of services for transgender and gender expansive students.
- Sexual and Gender Identity Drop-in and Support Spaces at Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS)
- Hormone Therapy
- Gender-affirming Surgery Consultation
Visit the Transgender and Gender Expansive Health Care Services page to see a full list of services.
LGBTQ+ Support Programs
Support Groups
CPS offers support groups and other special programs for LGBTQ+ students. If you don’t find something that meets your needs, contact Anne Goldfield to plan a support group.
Are you part of a student group or campus partner interested in partnering to develop programs to serve the LGBTQ+ community? Submit a workshop request form to plan a health education event with GHAP.
Sexual and Gender Identity Drop-in Hours
CPS provides problem-solving drop-in hours once a week. There are specific Sexual and Gender Identity Drop-In Hours at Lerner 502 during the academic year. When checking in, tell the front desk you are there for sexual and gender identity drop-ins.
Problem-Solving drop-in is intended to be a one-time visit with a CPS provider. When you come to a Problem-Solving drop-in, your provider will work with you to understand the situation and help you develop a plan to address the problem. This may include connecting you to other campus resources that can help you along the way.
Last reviewed: 7/3/2024